The Invention of the Light Bulb

Questions on this subject are fraught with pitfalls. Wikipedia cites "historians Robert Friedel and Paul Israel", who "list 22 inventors of incandescent lamps prior to Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison."

The question setter on this occasion has let himself (or herself, but I suspect it's a him) off the hook by specifying the first commercially successful model. But he (or she) has used the word "invented", and Edison's part in the invention of the incandescent light bulb was really quite minor. Wikipedia goes on to quote another "historian", Thomas Hughes: "The lamp was a small component in [Edison's] system of electric lighting, and no more critical to its effective functioning than the Edison Jumbo generator, the Edison main and feeder, and the parallel–distribution system. Other inventors with generators and incandescent lamps, and with comparable ingenuity and excellence, have long been forgotten because their creators did not preside over their introduction in a system of lighting."

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